Caiden Palmer Profile Page

This is the home page, pertaining to the brilliant mind of Caiden Palmer, that details of his most wonderous adventures through life. This website is his way of creating a journal of events and also as an exercise of his independent learning. The use of github was chosen to create this website as it sits with all of the creator’s most used projects, including his A level computer science project which you can find here. There are a number of tabs that encapsulate the details of my life: projects, talks, jobs, a portfolio, posts, and a dynamically-generated CV. This website does not work with any ads or sponsors and is free to view by anyone.

History of this website

The idea for this website first arrived in my frivolous journey when my friend Benediktas Meidus sent me a link connecting to a website he had made in his own time. A few hours later, on March 25th 2023, I had put together a very basic initial version of the site using Visual Studio Code and Github. The site was made with the combined languages of markdown, Javascript, HTML, and CSS; none of which I understood anything about.

As of the 25th March 2023, I plan to use this site to deploy my CV, create a profile of myself that any employer can view, and to collate anything I need into its own section, but all on this site. I have created hyperlinks to all of my social platforms, included a location, email, profile picture & name, and bio for myself. Perhaps I will create a multi-user version of the site to share to any and all of my acquaintances, including a messaging system to communicate between profiles. Looking at Discord for example, you can create groups, initiate calls, and message anyone you have added.

How to navigate this site

The buttons displayed at the top all link to their own pages. The ‘Projects’ button has a list of learning experiences I have endured such as coding or learning a language. The ‘Talks’ button refers to any event that I have participated in by either giving a speech or listening to one. ‘Jobs’ and ‘Portfolio’ are quite self-explanatory. The ‘Posts’ button just links together posts I have made on all platforms into one section. The majority of my CV will be posted in the ‘CV’ section. To go to the home page you can press ‘Caiden Palmer / Home’.